Mix Ratio Liquid & Powder
The correct ratio of liquid (monomer) and acrylic powder (polymer) is vital to produce strong, flexible, durable, and non-lifting enhancements.
A proper mix ratio is determined by the amount of polymer powder blended with the monomer liquid.
Achieving the proper mix ratio is essential to creating a beautiful and durable acrylic enhancement.
Different enhancement systems require different mix ratios. It is not possible to create a monomer liquid that can be used with any mix ratio so pay close attention to the manufacturer's recommendations in regards to mix ratio.
✍️ When the mix ratio is right, the following is assured:
* Excellent retention
* Strength and toughness
* Clarity
* Prevention of overexposure
* Proper set and cure times.
When the bead is too wet, the result is:
* Potential lifting and weakness
* Bubbles
* Excessive shrinkage
* Overexposure
* Lengthened set and cure time.
When the bead is too dry, the result is:
* Lifting
* Weakness and lack of cohesion
* Bubbles.
All liquid and powder systems have a recommended mix ratio for successful work-ability and wear-ability.
For Acrylic Nail Liquid - ATTRACTION and Acrylic Nail Liquid - UNIVERSAL, a medium wet mix will bring optimum results.
Achieving the proper mix ratio takes practice and a keen eye. It is best to always look at the bead prior to placement on the tip, form or natural nail.
Use the NSI brush of your choice ~ remember, the brush is your best friend with the quality products. Dip the hairs of your brush entirely into the dappen dish of nail liquid. Pull the brush from the dappen dish and using the sides of the dappen dish, wipe off some of the excess liquid. This will create a flat side to the brush.
Use only the flags of your brush (the darkest part of the brush) or the very end tip of the brush, to gently drag and press into the powder. When the bead is on the brush, it should have a slightly dimpled look, not too shiny and not too firm.
You know when the bead is “right” by:
* The look
* The feel
* The color
* The size
Use your own good judgment and eye as an artist to look at the bead before you place it down!
The LOOK of the “right” bead:
When the bead is formed and pulled from the powder, look at it and watch to make sure all the powder gets absorbed into the liquid. Make certain that no excess powder is lingering around the edges of the bead.
If it stays too firm and looks dry, get rid of it and start over. Service breakdown could result without the right amount of liquid.
If the bead is too shiny and wet, tap it gently back into the powder to pick up an ever so slight amount.
A bead that is too wet will lead to excessive shrinkage, bubbles, cracking and lifting.
Most nail technicians will work too wet and they don’t take that extra second to look at the bead prior to application.
The FEEL of the “right” bead:
The bead you create should feel good. When you drop the bead on the nail, allow a few seconds to pass so the bead starts to level. When you start to press the bead out onto the nail it should have the feel of moving easily, specially if you are using a good brush that can hold enough liquid into its barrel to keep the bead playable, total control for about 2 minutes (depending of the bead size, powder used, temperature of room etc…). If the bead looks right, but feels wrong, it might be your touch. When you first place the bead, it will feel wetter, but as you work, the product will start to set up and a firmer pressure will be required.
The COLOR of the “right” bead:
Use your eyes to make sure that from bead to bead you are achieving the same color. When using a highly pigmented powder such as ATTRACTION RADIANT PINK, PURELY PINK MASQUE AND the big array of pinks masking powders Opaques, the Coloured Acrylic Powders and also the whites eg. RADIANT WHITE etc... all these powders do contain more pigments, and a drier bead of one of these will certainly look different. More pigments, richer colour! The bead should resemble that of a frosted glass. The correct mix ratio assures colour consistency and helps prevent marbleizing.
Test your bead. A good test is to drop your bead on the practice tip and wait about 5 seconds.
The bead should dome out and level by about 25% with no ring of liquid around the base.
If it’s too wet, it will drop about 50%, and too dry, it will hold a firm shape and not drop.
The SIZE of the bead:
When a smaller bead is desired, then extract more liquid from your brush by wiping it along the edges of the dappen dish. Then dip into your powder, and remember to look at it to judge.
On the same token, if you need a larger bead, don’t wipe as much liquid out of your brush prior to dipping into the powder. It's easier to keep the bead only hanging on one only spot on the brush (an not all around your brush tip), this will allow you to leave the bead onto the nail without trouble and practically no excess of acrylic product around your brush ~ avoiding the clogging of your brush.
✍️ Train and trust your eyes to determine the correct mix ratio and bead size.
You are the artist, and you will get accustomed to what to look for.
✍️ The correct ratio of liquid (monomer) and acrylic powder (polymer) is vital to produce strong, flexible, durable, and non-lifting enhancements.
The wrong liquid-to-powder ratio can result in premature lifting or breakage.
Most acrylic systems require a medium-wet bead.