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Nail Art Troubleshooting: Tips For Fixing Common Nail Art Mistakes

Nail Art Troubleshooting: Tips For Fixing Common Nail Art Mistakes

Nail art is a fantastic canvas for showcasing your creativity and unique style. But like any art form, it comes with its share of challenges. Whether you're a professional nail tech or just trying your hand at DIY manicures, you've likely encountered accidental bumps, smudges and uneven layers that ruined the flawless finish you had in mind. 

In this guide, we explore common nail art mistakes and provide tips to correct these blunders and elevate your nail art game.

1. Painting over mistakes

When creating nail art designs, minor mistakes can significantly affect the overall result. Accidentally smudging a small detail or misplacing a dot can mess up the whole look. 

Tip: If you make a mistake, address it immediately while the polish is still wet. Avoid painting over mistakes, no matter how tiny they may seem. Doing so will only lead to bumpy and uneven surfaces.

To remove acrylic paint from nails, dip a Q-tip in water or brush cleaner and gently wipe it away. But if you're aiming for finer lines, it's better to use a brush dipped in water.

You can also use nail polish corrector pens. These tools feature thinner tips, making it faster and easier to correct mistakes and remove excess nail polish around the cuticles and nail edges.

2. Using the wrong set of tools

Impeccable nail art starts with the perfect set of tools. Improper or poor-quality tools can cause smudging or smearing and limit your creativity.

Tip: Investing in quality nail art brushes will give you better control and precision. Taking a nail art course can help you learn about the different tools available and when to use them. 

Brushes come in a variety of tip styles, ranging from ultra-thin points to fan-shaped tips. To craft detailed shapes and patterns, opt for brushes with fine and sleek bristles. 

When it comes to crafting polka dots, intricate floral patterns and precise geometric prints, nail art dotting tools are your best friend. These versatile tools open up a world of possibilities, allowing you to create detailed accents and textured patterns with ease.

At NSI Australia, our nail courses come with beginner nail kits for an additional fee. This way, you have access to all the tools and accessories you need to get started.

3. Skipping the base coat

One of the first things you'll learn in gel or acrylic nail courses is the importance of a base coat. It’s your best defence against staining and serves as the foundation for a long-lasting manicure.

Residue and oil on your nails can cause the polish to chip or peel. A solid base coat acts as a protective shield between the natural nails and the products you'll be applying. Moreover, it improves adhesion by providing a smooth and slightly tacky surface. This reduces the risk of premature peeling, chipping or fading.

Tip: Choose a base coat that matches or complements your nail art design. Try to stick to a maximum of two to three coats for a flawless finish.

Thick coats should be avoided at all costs in nail art. They increase the risk of smudges and take longer to dry.

4. Using old or clumpy nail polish

Old nail polish can thicken over time and lose its smooth consistency. It may not seamlessly coat your nails as it should, causing streaks and patches of thicker and thinner colour. Outdated or poor-quality nail polish can also contain unsightly bumps and impurities.

Tip: Never use old or expired nail polish, as it ruins the surface of your nails and results in discolouration. Invest in high-quality nail polish instead. While it can cost a bit more than regular store-quality options, it’s definitely worth the investment. 

In most nail and beauty courses, you'll often delve into the world of various nail polish types. Gel polish stands out for its smoother application and longer-lasting finish. It’s an ideal option for nail art as it comes in various colours and unique finishes like metallics or holographic, allowing for more creative designs. 

5. Forgetting the top coat

The topcoat serves as the ultimate layer, sealing in the colours and designs underneath. It not only imparts a glossy and refined finish to your nail art but also makes the colours and details more vibrant.

Certain nail art techniques, like those involving glitter or textured designs, may result in a rough or uneven surface. Applying a top coat can smooth out this texture and guarantee a seamless finish.

Many top coats feature quick-drying formulations, drastically cutting down the time you spend waiting between applying coats. It also reduces potential smudging or smearing, keeping your nail art intact and pristine during the drying phase.

Tip: Never skip out on the top coat. This simple step can make a huge difference, from adding a dazzling shine to extending your nail art's longevity. Top coats are available in various finishes, including glossy, matte and satin. Make sure to choose one that complements your design.

6. Fitting too many elements in one look

Using too many patterns or techniques in one design can lead to cluttered and overwhelming results. Choose a unifying theme or focus on a few complementary elements to maintain a clean and cohesive look. 

Tip: Practice on scrap paper to refine your strokes and assess the complexity of a pattern. This gives you a chance to select the best design and refine your technique.

Nail art demands steady hands and consistent practice. It's unlikely that you'll achieve perfect designs on your first attempt. It’s best to stick to simpler patterns until you're confident in your abilities. 

Enrol in premier nail courses in Australia

Creating stunning nail art demands continuous practice and high-quality materials. To enhance your skills, consider enrolling in nail and beauty courses online.

NSI Australia offers beauty and nail courses online, suitable for both beginners and professionals. We offer miracle gel extensions masterclasses and acrylic nail courses that include kits, video demonstrations and detailed instructions that are engaging and easy to follow. 

Through our 100% remote learning platform, you can complete our nail courses online at your own comfortable pace. 

Once you’ve signed up for a nail art course, you gain lifetime access to the course materials. No matter where you are in your nail artistry journey, our nail courses in Australia provide all the knowledge and support you need. 

Contact us today to learn more about our online nail courses!
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